Set Paddock Stand front + rear for Triumph Daytona 955i 99-06 black MX1. Set consisting of Motorcycle Paddock Stand front and Single Arm Paddock Stand rear with Dolly Mover. Movable double wheels for easy manoeuvring of the Dolly Mover even in the smallest spaces. Brakes on the wheels for secure standing at the parking position.
Perfectly suited for parking and moving Motorcycles in small spaces such as workshops, garages, cellars etc. Secure stand for care, maintenance and repair.
Constands XB2L combination of Motorcycle Paddock Stand front and Dolly Mover. Paddock Stand for easy and simple jacking up of the front wheel. Fits virtually all front forks.
Thick rubber coating to protect against scratches. Constands Single Classic Combination of Single Arm Paddock Stand rear and Dolly Mover.
For jacking up Motorcycles with single swingarm on the left side (see photo). Paddock Stand for easy jacking up of the rear wheel. Frame with wheels allows the stand to be converted into a Dolly Mover. With the aluminium mounting adapter (ball-bearing bolt), the rear wheel can be easily rotated for maintenance and cleaning. Häufige Fragen und Antworten zu diesem Artikel.
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