Paddock Stand Set for Triumph Daytona T595 (955i) 97-98 + Cover SM25. Important: This is a universal item, not adapted to a specific model.
In many cases, individual adjustments are required for mounting. Please check the dimensions and pictures to see if mounting is possible for your motorcycle.Set SM25 consisting of two ConStands Single Sided Paddock Stands for the front and rear wheel and with Motorbike Cover XL. Combination of Single Sided Paddock Stand Single CL and Fork red. Safe and easy jacking up of the complete motorbike, both front and rear wheel, for repair and service work. Stable rear wheel stand Single Classic for jacking up motorcycles with a single-sided swing arm.
Motorbike stand including mounting adapter of aluminum (ball bearing bolt) for the listed models. The rear wheel is very easy to turn thanks to the ball bearing for maintenance and cleaning. Front paddock stand for forks with holes in the bottom for easy and safe use. Paddock stand also perfectly suitable for wintering. Motorcycle tarpaulin XL for all weather conditions.
Motorbike folding garage for tough outdoor use or as dust protection indoors. 190TPU nylon tarpaulin provides optimum protection against sunlight and is tear-resistant even at temperatures below zero. Inside particularly gentle on paint and absolutely waterproof thanks to thermowelded seams. Best possible hold thanks to elastic band and belt with buckles for fixing under the motorbike.
Dimensions: 230 x 92 x 125 cm. Häufige Fragen und Antworten zu diesem Artikel. Frage: Passt der Artikel auch auf mein Baujahr?
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